The Mechanics of Programmatic Display An Introduction and Overview: Finding a Perfect Match
It is well-known in the world of business that marketing is not about selling to every person, but about selling to the right people. Furthermore, it is about the “right people” realizing that your business is the right one for them. This is the job of programmatic display, an advertising tactic that enables you to seek out and engage only your target audience.
Programmatic display aids business owners in finding consumers that are a solid match for the goods or services being sold. The tactic also helps these potential consumers become aware of businesses that may interest them. Additionally, it encourages further education and excitement about these businesses. Programmatic display acts as a matchmaker for businesses and consumers.
The Matchmaking Game of Advertising
Programmatic display can be thought of like dating, where couples represent business owners and consumers. Individuals put their best foot forward and present themselves in a way that they feel both represents them and will attract the right people to them in order to form a connection. This is representative of business owners utilizing programmatic display. They share content that is believed to draw in their target audience.
Other individuals in search of connection accept or decline offers to attend dates. For some people, dating is almost like a game to them, as they receive so many offers that they must evaluate their potential dates’ interests, personality traits, and hobbies to see who fits them best. This represents the consumer’s role in programmatic display. They will see targeted content from many businesses, but few will grab their attention and leave them wanting more. When they select a targeted advertisement to learn more about your company, it’s a match.
Keeping Their Attention
Finding and pursuing your target audience is just the beginning of programmatic display, as it is the start of your relationship with the consumers that you will engage with this tactic. The next portion of programmatic display is maintaining your consumers’ interest in your business. This is where retention and retargeting play a key role. After your target audience becomes aware and interested in your business, display retargeting will be a vital tool to convince these potential customers to invest in your goods or services. Furthermore, retention tactics will be needed to maintain the interest of your consumers and keep them coming back to your business.
Considering the dating analogy, retargeting and retention reflect the part of the process where both parties have decided to pursue a connection with each other. They are interested in each other, and now a relationship is to be built between the two. Retargeting is like starting a new conversation now and then keeping the other person interested. Retention is reflective of going on dates and moving forward in the relationship. In business, retention is taking action that convinces the consumer to stay loyal to your business.
Eli’s Electrical Solutions
To better understand programmatic display, you can try putting yourself in the shoes of Eli, an electrician and owner of his own company that helps homeowners with their electrical needs. As Eli, you want to pursue only your target audience but are unsure of exactly where to start. This series will guide you through the concept and processes of programmatic display, allowing you to successfully pursue and retain your target audience.
Know exactly what you need but not sure how to start the process? Click the link below to schedule a time to chat with us.
Cutting Through the Noise With Direct Mail Marketing
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